About Me

Hello, my name is James Byrne and I am a fourth year student majoring in Technological Systems Management with a specialization in Computer Science at Stony Brook University. I will be graduating in January 2024 and I am excited to begin my career in technology!


Earned: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (Expires July 2026)

In Progress: CompTIA Security+


DNS Resolver

This program was created using Python, the dpkt library, and time library. Its primary goal is to take input of a URL and output a AAAA record in the form of an IPv4 address. In this sense, it is comparable to using the "dig" command through command prompt.

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League of Legends Database

This is a group project that utilized MS Access in order to create a database with nine entities for the purpose of keeping record of various in-game statistics. Using the League of Legends API, we were able to pull game information to populate the tables. I wrote 5 SQL queries to fetch and display informative data from the database.

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Wireshark Packet Analysis

Using Python in conjunction with the dpkt, os, socket, and struct libraries, this program takes input of a previously captured packet flow between two machines on a network. This program parses the PCAP file and prints out the source port, source IP, destination port, and destination IP. It also identifies the number of flows, transactions, and keeps track of the amount of packets and time in order to calculate the throughput.

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